Be A Better Version Of Yourself Everyday

If you want to become a better version of yourself, you must understand the ABC and XYZ of life. Many times, we are carried away by the things we go through i.e D-W of life, that we are unable to see a clear path to the success we so desire.

A lot of people are so irresponsible in life choices that they end up just falling into their own snare. This is one of the biggest reasons, many are sad and depressed today. They find it easy to make terrible choices and when the right choice is placed before them, they turn their backs and say it is too hard.

It is easy to say things than to actually do them. One of the most alarming issue to always look for in regards to being a better person, is the readiness for that person to effect the changes they so desire. It is not easy, but it is totally worth the effort: becoming a better person is actually work and not theory.

Table Of Content

  1. What Does “Be a Better Version of Yourself” mean?
  2. How Do I Become a Better Version of Myself?
  3. How Can I Become the Best Version of Myself in a Month?

What Does “Be a Better Version of Yourself” Mean?

Some of us may not really understand the gravity of this statement. However, I want to point out that you cannot pursue happiness successfully until you learn how you can continually be a better version of yourself.

Being a better version of yourself is not an ordinary quest of making money. It is a quest that seeks to redefine the purpose and character of a man. It is the drive in a man that enables him choose to change for good inorder to achieve his dreams and goals in life.

It is quite unfortunate, that many people today, seem to want to live life so casually. They do not put in the necessary effort to be better individuals in the society. Their whole purpose in life is shallow and there are many character defects which will prevent them from being successful.

Becoming a better version of yourself, is simply the effort made by an individual in developing himself, mentally, emotionally, socially, financially and all areas of life the individual may be involved in.

The most important lesson in life, is to always seek to do better in life. This is very important, as the individual will become a more responsible and free individual in the society. The benefits are both internal and external.

How Do I Become A Better Version Of Myself?

Like I said before, it is not about just saying you want to become a better version of yourself but you must take the necessary actions to achieve your objective

Anyone that truly wants to be a better person in life, must learn the habit of always putting words into action. Hence, the following have been mapped out as a step by step plan, anyone can take and achieve this objective:

1. Define Your Purpose

Your purpose is the reason you have for existing. It is the number one priority you have in life and it goes a long way to define a lot about yourself.

We can boldly say, that those who have discovered and achieved their purpose in life, are those who actually learnt to be better individuals. There is no other way than a proper definition of why you exist.

There are many people who just wake up on a daily basis without a sense of purpose. They live without a quest to conquer and this clearly affects their lives because they do not achieve success and are by far, the most miserable people on Earth.

Your purpose is the number one determinant if you will eventually become a better person. This is strictly based on the fact that a man or woman with purpose will naturally begin a course of life that is productive and beneficial to his internal and external environment.

There is no man or woman who wants to become a better person, that will not put in the effort of defining his or her purpose in life. It is when you define purpose that you are able to put distractions away and focus on what you really need in life.

2. Get The Complete Information You Need to Achieve Your Purpose

Ignorance is the root of failure in life. Hence, if you want to become a better person, you must learn to be informed. Information makes you understand that you cannot have it all in life and you need to learn to be humble in life.

So many people feel that success or happiness in life is by accident. Well, I am denouncing that mindset and revealing to you, that success in life is very predictable. Many times, we are responsible for our own failures because we deliberately choose to be ignorant.

Information helps modify a person’s character. It changes mindset and educates emotions as well. This is what is actually needed inorder to grow in life. As you are informed, you will begin to understand what works and what is actually feasible in life.

You cannot have purpose without knowing how you can achieve that purpose. Any attempt to achieve purpose without knowledge or information, becomes a failed dream

Having the right information, will help change your life for the better. You will be happier and more successful when you begin to get the information that makes you succeed or changes your life for the better.

3. Act on The Information

Action is the roadmap to complete happiness. It is the top most quality required inorder to achieve your set objective.

When you act on the information that you have received, you will experience the change and upliftment you really desire. Many people tend to fold hands and not want to do anything about their lives but will always demand that things should go smoothly for them. This is not possible!

Acting on the right information is paramount if you really want to become a better person. You must act on it, inorder for you to actually benefit or see the change you so desire.

4. Avoid Toxic Behavior

One thing that can really limit a man or woman from being a better person, is the presence of toxic behavior. Any behavior that does not seem to improve your quality of life is a toxic behavior.

These toxic behaviors can take away good things from your life and can add negative and wicked qualities into your life. You must not allow toxic qualities into your life. They will affect your mind, your emotions and the overall outcome of your life.

5. Avoid Toxic People

Same as toxic behavior, toxic people play a major role in making us feel so bad about ourselves. Anytime you are around a toxic person, you are always burdened with unhappiness and your optimism for life is reduced.

Toxic people are those who have made it a habit to always make you feel or look down on yourself. It is quite unfortunate that some of these people are people we have have strong attachments to. They are never ready to add value to your life but will be the first people to criticize the efforts you are making to do better in life.

Toxic people are generally known for giving bad advice, ridicule and zealous in trying to tell you what you cannot do. Indeed, one can say that they are filled with jealousy and envy. These set of people will tell you heaven and earth but will not even lift a finger to help you in anything in life. Avoid these set of people if you want to actually become a better person.

6. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Anyone who truly seek, to become better individual, must know and understand the difference between things they can do and those they cannot. Hence, you will get a thorough view of where you are meant to be in life. This is an arrow that helps you define your purpose in life.

Your strengths are your most greatest assets. You actually need to keep working on your strengths even if you are strong in certain areas. The very moment you stop working on your strengths, you lose your place of authority and control. This simply means, that you will eventually become weak in those areas.

You can never underestimate the importance of having the quality of life, where you know your strengths and weaknesses: this is nothing but “practical wisdom”. A good life is a life that has increased it’s strengths in relation to it’s weaknesses.

Never hate your weaknesses, but rather accept them as part of yourself. You do not need to be embarrassed by the fact that you experience weakness in certain areas. You are human and every human being must have a weakness. What differentiates a man who wants to become a better version of himself, from a man who is stagnant in life, is just the simple mental attitude of accepting his weaknesses and working on them.

7. Work On Your Weaknesses

Your weaknesses are not actually meant to stay in your life as they stand against many good things that are supposed to happen to you. If you really want to become a better version of yourself, these are some of the weaknesses, you need to work on:

  • Mental Weakness
  • Emotional Weakness
  • Behavioral Weakness
  • Physical Weakness

You really need to understand, that these elements are not in a man to make him happy with himself. They are there to challenge the man to do better. You cannot create a good life when you still have all these weaknesses in abundance in your system. Hence, you must work on them, if you truly want to become a better person.

8. Have a Healthy Relationship With Yourself

The main problem with people today, is that everyone believes that they are special in one way or another. Indeed, something as harmless as feeling special has now become a major problem in our society.

When you possess a healthy relationship with yourself, you will definitely have the wisdom to know what is good, right and excellent for your self. You will no longer be tossed to and fro because someone said or did something to you.

A healthy relationship with yourself is one of the most basic things you need to have if you really want to become a better person. You must not allow yourself be the toxic person that people should stay away from. Have a good or healthy relationship with yourself.

9. Have Time for Yourself

Many times, we are too engrossed in the lives and situations of other people that we hardly make out time for ourselves. There are times you really deserve that alone time and if you do not learn to have it consistently, you will be shocked at the level of mistake you will eventually make in life.

There is no amount of hard-work, or top income skill, or job etc, that can replace the importance of having that alone and quality time for yourself. This means, you should make out time to be by yourself, and reflect or ponder on the most crucial things you are going through at the moment and also find solution to them.

You cannot claim to be a happy man, when you do not make out time to be by yourself. You need that alone time, inorder to properly analyze issues going on in your life. There is no excuse anyone can give for not having that alone time. There is also no need to always be around people. Learn to have this alone time, you will understand yourself better in the process.

10. Stop the Negativity

You need to understand that negativity is the beginning of failure in life and if you do not put a stop to it, you will find it difficult to actually be happy. Inorder to truly become a better person, you must learn to put the following away:

  • Negative thoughts
  • Negative feelings and emotions
  • Negative actions
  • Negative people

Negativity creates a gap between you and your inner self. The part of you that is responsible for all the genius is your inner-self and negativity is one thing that creates a rough gap that prevents you from connecting easily.

You are only going to be better when you learn to put negativity far from your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong when you choose positive thoughts, feelings and actions despite the fact that they might be offensive to other people.

It is absolutely unfair if you work so hard, study so hard, and do everything you can to succeed or be happy in life, and still allow negativity in your life. A little negativity can destroy all your efforts in life. Hence, stop the negative energy and move into a place of positive energy.

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How Can I Become The Best Version Of Myself In A Month?

We have discussed how you can be a better version of yourself everyday. Now, let us look at what you can start doing to achieve this in 4 weeks.

The best version of yourself is probably the ultimate desire anyone can ever achieve. This is because, you are at the peak of happiness and satisfaction in life.

No one can truly be happy in life, unless they achieve their best life. One may ask, why those who do not seem to have much in life are still happier than those who seem to have everything? Well, the answer lies in the fact that becoming the best version of yourself is not about material things but it is about you, your personality, your character and to a large extent the kind of relationships you have.

Success is a quantifiable factor i.e you can actually keep a numerical record of what you have achieved over time. The daily plan, the weekly plan, the monthly plan and the yearly plan. Becoming the best version of yourself in a month, is not difficult but requires hard work, commitment and dedication:

  • Know What You Want
  • Work Hard
  • Work Smart
  • Be Bold and Courageous
  • Be Dedicated
  • Be Consistent
  • Never Give Up

Know What You Want

Knowing what you want in life is one of the best things anyone can ever do in our modern society. We have lots of things on social media, print media, books etc that can cause distractions to us. So, when you know what you want, you actually help yourself in limiting the rate at which things influence you.

The fact that many people do not really know what they want, shows that there is much “personality orientation” to be done in our society today. It is so sad, that when People are asked the simple question of who they are, there tends to be a rift or gap in their minds which shows that they do not really understand themselves at all.

There are many things in our modern world, that can distract us from our goal and purpose. It is quite clear, that people in the past, had the quality time to create and develop their minds because they were not distracted by unnecessary pleasures. Things were much natural back then; however this has changed as we have too many things distracting and confusing us on a daily basis.

Anyone that truly wants to be successful or happy, now needs to have a filter on the things they consume from the media. It is better you take responsibility for the things you consume especially from media and entertainment platforms. Never listen to distractions, they confuse the very essence of your existence.

Work Hard

The most crucial things in life are things that require hard work. This also includes the development and maturity of our personalities. If we do not work hard on ourselves, we will not fully grasp the magnitude of our abilities. In short, we will be limited even in the things that should come natural or easy to us.

Your hard-work is what determines if you will eventually evolve into that success or amazing person you truly want to be. This is not a factor of being a man or woman. The overall lesson of life is that only the strong survive and if you are not strong at least learn to be strong by working hard!

The difference between a person who becomes the best version of themselves and the one who just remains stagnant in life, is that the former works hard at self development, while the latter does not!

Let us face facts here: we are talking about personality development and maturity, understanding ability and other unmentioned but very important criteria in life. One cannot possibly achieve the above features without hard-work, commitment and dedication. Any attempt to not work hard becomes a plan to cheat nature and it does not work like that!

Another fact you should take note of: you cannot cheat nature because nature is “God”. Any attempt to cheat nature or the laws nature will result in nothing less than sorrow, hardship and a life full of tears and pain. It does not matter what people tell you in regards to not stressing yourself too much: hard-work is mandatory for personality development and moral change.

Work Smart

Yes, hard work is very important but so is smart work. This is simply a measure or determining factor of your intelligence. Well, one thing you need to know, is that although there is no short route to greatness or success or anything that is worth while achieving in life, one should understand that everything has a cheat code.

When you are able to show that you possess something extraordinary that others do not, you will be more successful because of the kind of services you render, or how you make people feel when they are around you.

The whole concept of working smart is to show to yourself and to the world, that you understand very well, what you are doing. Hence, the intelligence factor. So, if you want to be the best version of yourself, then you must work smart. There is no other way.

Be Bold and Courageous

In personality development, there are positive traits and negative traits. Positive traits are those qualities that are responsible for the good and healthy things that happen to us as people. However, negative traits comprises of anything and everything that brings about unhappiness, evil and toxic behavior into our lives.

Hence, boldness and courage are positive traits in personality development and should be inculcated into one of the pillars of transformation and human development.

You need to understand, that it takes boldness to develop, it takes boldness to want to try out new things. You cannot remove boldness and courage from the equation of personality development.

No one should ever be timid in life. It is not a beautiful thing for anyone to live life in depression or fear.

Fear is the number one quality that has prevented people from living their best lives or attaining amazing goals. You have a dream that is worthy of admiration because it is good, then you should not be afraid. Work in boldness and you will be happier on a daily basis.

Many people will not want to accept this fact but the only difference between the rich and the poor is simply “what they fear”. So, if you truly want to be happy or develop yourself to the best form possible, then you must learn to do away with fear. It is of no profit to anyone.

Be Dedicated

Yes, be dedicated to building your life to the very best. Dedication is another positive traits that people need in personality development. It shows that you will do anything to get a successful outcome in that chosen pursuit. Nothing else matters except the set objective and goal.

The reason why most set objectives fail is as a result of lack of dedicated individuals to the course. Therefore, if you so desire to be the best version of yourself, then you must dedicate yourself to this course. You must throw yourself at it with all your heart.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of dedication in a person’s life. A man or woman that truly desires the best life, must show dedication in everything: in career, in relationship, business, mental development, personality development etc.

Be Consistent

Consistency is the ability to maintain your work or moral ethics despite the changes you face in regards to time, place, relationship and many other factors of life. If you truly want to achieve the best version of yourself, then consistency is the key.

If you are not consistent in life, do you think you deserve trust? That is one major thing people do not understand. The best personality is never the richest personality but the most noble personality. It involves having healthy moral ethics that brings trusts and favours growth.

There is no amount of riches that can replace noble and trust worthy character. Do you trust yourself to make yourself a person of noble character? You must develop the character of consistency.

Never Give Up

It does not matter if you failed before; what matters is that you are putting in the necessary effort and taking the necessary steps inorder to achieve all you want to achieve. You need to understand, that if you give up on yourself, you have really lost the battle of self development, success and actualization.

The concept of never giving up is one of the most admired philosophy since the creation of the universe. Anyone that truly wants to attain victory in life, must operate from the stand point of a continuous pursuit of his set objectives until he has accomplished each and everyone of them!

However, it should be crystal clear that any quest that is not going to yield good fruits should not be a quest to be thought of or undertaken at all. Hence, this philosophy of life is strictly bounded by the law of morality which enables us to pursue noble dreams, visions and goals and to never give up in life no matter what.

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