How To Overcome Depression

Overcoming depression is one thing many people find extremely difficult to do. It is clear, that people are no longer able to escape emotional, mental and overall psychological bondage as a result of the kind of circumstances and situation that surrounds them.

First of all, I want to assure you, that you can overcome any element of pain or depression that has held you down. I want you to understand, that there is nothing that can stop you from breaking free from shame in life.

The most important lesson is to keep moving forward. Many people have become victims of their past experiences because they have refused to let go of the past and it’s ugly circumstances. This is just shameful as then, this later affects everything about their existence (past, present and future).

Therefore, in everything you do in life, you must remember that if things do not work out the way you want them to, all you need is to keep moving forward. This may be difficult but you just have to try and make the most from the life you have left in you.

Life is not going to wait for you to recover. Life will not be nice to you so you can be happy again. You must stretch forth your hand and grab your happiness. There is no happy person that does not believe in actively deciding to be happy. Happiness is never a passive quality but an active quality, initiated by the choices we make.

You must make the effort of quick recovery. This is because, the more you wallow in depression, the more the depth of sorrow you will keep facing in life. It will have no end; it will keep on getting worse until you quit in life. Hence, make the effort of quick recovery today.

Keep moving forward is a phrase many people know but few really understand. If I am being honest, I would say, that many people see the phrase as a Disney Motion Pictures term,to describe the harsh environment and failures of Disney Characters. This is not true in any way: the phrase was coined from the mind of a man who understands that life has ups and downs and success is all about the ups and downs of life. However,if you keep moving forward in life, your hard earned success gotten from the harsh circumstances of life will become stable and lasting.

Just because you failed at something does not mean you should quit. It is crystal clear, that when someone decides to quit, they tend to either be stagnant or go backwards in life. This is one of the major reasons why sadness and depression moves in. You must choose your success in life above anything. This alone, will make you a happy person.

The most outrageous experience is the experience that leaves a man void of the vital force to keep moving forward. It is the experience that makes a man to forget who and what he is; he forgets the purpose for which he was working so hard and why he even lives.

A Story That Touches Your Soul

I was once a very naive person i.e someone that was easily influenced by the opinions and thoughts of others. It it is crystal clear, that life has taught me in many ways. I became a symbol of humility through pain and a wise man through experience.

Life continued to deal with me through me teenage years and dealt even more with me when I entered my 20s. I had learnt through series of experience that it is always better to listen to your parents or those in authority for guidance, than to listen to your crazy heart and get chocked because of your mistakes.

Yes indeed, you cannot go through life without making mistakes( that is what I believed). However, there are mistakes that you should not make at all. These mistakes will cost you a greater portion of your happiness in life and if you are not careful, they will bring serious shame and disgrace to your life.

How to overcome depression and find joy again, is not just a pathway to emotional freedom but also a road map to mental and emotional maturity. Some of us believe that we should be independent and free to make our choices in life. However, we tend to forget, that it is only those who are strong in their emotions that are considered adults.

A fool will make foolish decisions except he is guided on the path of wisdom. The fact remains that no one would like to be called a fool. However, you will know a fool through the choices they make in life and the kind of results they are having because of their choices. Infact, if anyone wants to consider himself a wise person, he must first consider how effective his choices have been. If they have given a positive and wholesome outcome, he can comfortably call himself a wise man. However, if his actions or choices are a reason for contempt and disgrace, then and only then should he disregard the title of a wiseman.

I have made poor choices in life and till today, I am paying dearly for it. You need to understand, that a fool is also regarded as someone who does not learn despite falling into a pit. He still believes that the ground is plain and there is no pit dug for him. The fool never learns. However, a wise man will learn from his mistakes and not fall into the pit again.

Many people do not know where their problems are coming from and they seriously choose to live ignorantly. It is enough reason to consider them fools. A lot of people still choose to not find solutions to their problems but to sit down bitterly and complain.

Anything that was written under this section is a pure revelation to the reader, that making the right choices in life can help you live a happier life. Hence in addition to moving forward, you must learn to make healthy decisions about yourself. Without these two elements, your whole journey of overcoming depression will be utterly and completely defeated!

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Keep Moving Forward? A Complete View

Inorder to properly understand the concept of keep moving forward. I would like to make an illustration:

A journey will never be achieved except every step and requirement for the journey is accomplished. You cannot say you want to arrive at a particular destination without taking all the necessary steps and risks to get there. That is how life is, you must keep moving until you have gotten to that place you so want to be.

So, we understand that there are many things that can take away a man’s joy. However, we all know that there are situations and circumstances that we cannot control. If we take all the necessary survey from life, there are 8 major things that cause men pain and agony i.e if they do not have any of these things, they can be sad except if they choose not to be. Indeed, their choice not to be sad can be considered as “moving forward”.

  1. Money
  2. Success in career
  3. Success in business
  4. Success in relationship
  5. Success in religion
  6. Mental Success
  7. Emotional Success
  8. Physical and Health Success

The best way to know someone that is truly miserable, is when the person has little or no success in any of the above mentioned elements of life. Hence, if you are probably not doing well in any of this area of life, there is a high chance that you might fall into depression if you do not know how to navigate your life properly.

This what I really mean: if you are not doing well from no.1-no.8, it literally means that you are a miserable person because, no human being will want to associate with you. A true successful person is someone that has success in all the above mentioned areas.

However, just because you are not doing well in any or all of the above mentioned areas, does not give you the right to just sit back without doing anything. You will only overcome depression and sadness when you can confidently pursue the “know-how” on getting stability or success in any or all of the above areas depending on the condition of your life.

One will consider it as “moving forward” when one seeks out the knowledge through which they can achieve their dreams or desires. If you are not seeking to succeed in any of the above mentioned areas as your life demands, it literally means you want to be stagnant or backward in life. Make it your aim to be free and happy this is the ultimate achievement to the term “moving forward”. It is wrong if you choose to be free and then you end up being sad, that is not what moving forward helps you achieve; rather, you are free and happy.

A Complete View On Finding Joy: Overcome The Obstacles And You Will Smile

Joy is a direct proportion of the peace you have in life. If you do not have peace, you will not have joy. Let us be honest, overcoming depression is just one side of the coin. We still have other obstacles to overcome, so we are not tempted to fall back into depression. When we get to a level where depression is an unrealistic event, we can now say, that we have achieved joy, which is the other side of the coin. Hence, any time our life is thrown, because of the knowledge we have, the “Joy” side of the coin is what eventually shows.

Hence, when you see challenges, do not make it a habit to shy away from them. Rather, make it your aim and objective to overcome them. It is simple, you cannot achieve victory without fighting a battle. Life is not fair because it keeps bringing battles to us when we on our own, do not desire it. Let us come to the conclusion of the whole matter, you have no other option but to fight and if you want to have joy, you must fight and win. Not fight and lose!

The very concept of joy should not be misunderstood in any way. It is directly linked to the substance of faith i.e a strong belief in who and what you are and the manifestations of that phenomenon you know about yourself. You cannot overcome depression, if your very concept of finding joy is weak. You must be ready to make the necessary mental and physical effort to succeed in life.

As we all know, a man without joy in his life, is a weak man and he will not be able to rise from the ashes into the admiration that he desires to be. It does not matter what is the cause for the sorrow or sadness, you must always learn to live according to the principles of faith if you ever want to overcome depression and find joy in life. There is no point being sad if it is not causing positive changes in your life. However, joy and maintaining an attitude of faith will give you the change you desire because you have chosen to move forward in life.


Here are 7 essential tips you need to know inorder to overcome depression and find joy again:

  1. Keep moving forward by setting your mind and heart on things that make you happy.
  2. Learn to make the right choices in life.
  3. Have a family either by blood or by choice.
  4. Make good friends.
  5. Have a good diet: what you eat can greatly affect your mood.
  6. Avoid late preparations so you will come first in many things.
  7. Never give up on yourself; work hard to be a better person


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