How To Be Happy: Overcoming The Daily Struggles Of Life

The basic truth about being happy in life, is simply trying as much as possible to overcome the struggles of life. One may not really be fully complete and whole, but whatever it is that takes away your joy, you must focus on overcoming them, if you truly want to be happy.

Each and everyday, there are a lot of complains from well meaning people about how life is not fair and one is tend to ask as a rhetorical analysis of what they really mean.

Life is not fair, life is not fair: this is one of the top most statement, sad people make with tears in their eyes. I must oblige you to come to terms with the new fact, that LIFE IS FAIR. You will become a happy person, when you agree with me on this and you will soon understand.

Life Is Fair❤️

Look, many times we are forced into certain mental black holes that prevent us from understanding the true meaning of life. We are so used to negative statements of life, that we no longer question the source of the philosophy.

This is a big revelation for many people today. The reason why you have so many negative occurrences in your life, is simply because you are “believing in the wrong ideology”. There is no better place to begin your course of being happy than “mental transformation”.

Just take a look at the way normal people live: there is so much negative speaking, thinking and a wicked atmosphere of activities going on consistently on a daily basis. If you really want to be happy in life, then you must not think like that.

Life is fair and it remains a good place, despite the ill mannered activities of men. Yes, it is that simple: Life is fair, but humans are products of healthy and unhealthy environments, which of course, depending on the level of influence, will determine how a lot of people get to live their lives.

I will say this again, to you who desires to be happy. You must not think negatively about life. Life is fair and it continues to be a good place and there is nothing anyone should say or do to change your mind about this. Now, the beauty of this is that it completely depends on you believing that “life is fair”.

If you do not believe, you will not be able to receive. Some of us, actually want things to make sense before we happy; however, the reality of life needs to set in, that our happiness is never tied to things making sense in our life. You just have to believe.

Know What You Want

The worse thing, that can happen to any man or woman, is the bad behavior of not knowing what they want exactly. How else can you be happy in life, if you are confused. It’s so terrible that there are many people in the world today, who are confused about everything in their life.

What do you want? This is a simple question with so many confusing answers most especially from people who are going through one form of negative experience or another.

So many times, we allow both wanted and unwanted elements to determine the results we get in life. If you really know what will make you happy then you must do it. There is only one law however, that governs this principle: you must do what makes you happy as long as you are not denying another man his happiness i.e your desire to be happy should not go against the moral standards of life. You must do it the right way or the only way.

It is high time, you put yourself together and gather up enough vitality for your life. You will not experience the fullness of your existence if you continue to live in a confused and double minded mental space. Know what you want and go for it as long as it is moral and does not go against the law of life.

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Be More Involved In Your Life Than You Are In Others

I clearly understand that there are people we love and really want to be there for: however, you need to agree with me on this. If you are over concerned with what is happening in other people’s life and you neglect your own, you will be the most unhappy person alive.

It is good to show love, it is ok to be concerned. However, it is absolutely wrong to be “over concerned” with anything, that is happening in another person’s life. People need to learn to “take care of themselves, by themselves and not wait for someone else to do it. It is a big mistake if you do not recognize this on time.

It is so funny how this ideology affects every area of life. Let us take into consideration the issues in relationships today: many couples have a hard time staying happily together because one person is investing way more in the relationship than the other.

The lack of self control and care in many relationships from either partner will result in a gradual separation and finally, a collapse of the relationship. Never invest more when your partner’s investment is too small compared to yours. I hope you understand because, no good man or woman will allow resource and time wasters into their lives. This simply means that as they invest in you, you also equally invest in them.

However, take note that you only invest in a place that is good and trustworthy. It is not enough, to just have a biological advantage or quality. You must make yourself valuable. This is how you maintain balance in your life and then you are filled with happiness. Take note of this as it applies to every area of life: Never Invest More Than Is Required!

As you are investing in others, equally invest in yourself. Do not neglect your destiny because of ignorance. It is a grave sin and the kind you really need to stay away from.

However, there are 5 kinds of people who commit the sin of neglecting their selves and paying too much attention to what is going on in someone else’s life:

  1. Those who gossip
  2. Anyone that engages in unnecessary arguments and debate
  3. Those who admire famous people but do not put in the effort to achieve greatness of their own.
  4. Those who are obsessed (in the name of love) with another human being.
  5. Those who find it easy to envy what someone else has but will not do anything to get their own.

we should get this clear and straight! Anyone that is involved in any of the above acts, will never truly be happy. Do not sit around time wasters and non-resourceful people to slander and destroy others. You are only harming yourself the more.

This is clearly understood, as it means that you should always go about your business and not be a busybody in other people’s matters. You will die slowly in life, if you do not learn the habit of minding your business.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Same thing applies in the law of happiness: if you have good friends, you will definitely be happy. However, if you have bad friends, you will definitely be sad and broken in life.

I tend to wonder, why many people do not still understand that the quality of friends they keep, to a large extent, affects the quality of the life they live. This is why I do not make friends foolishly. Some of us, make friends with those who will never have our best interest at heart and we call them our friends.

The very moment you make the wrong choice of friends, you will never be happy in life. This is also a warning to those who will would rather choose materialism over loyalty and virtue. It is crystal clear, that many people would rather suffer for physical things than relationships that are worth building and repairing.

Some of us are victims of poor upbringing and we tend to always add bias in our day to day choices. You know without a doubt, that this person has your best interest at heart and just because our lust for materialism and physical things has eaten us up, we tend to demoralize those that genuinely care for us because they are not financially up to our level.

It is high time, you set priorities for yourself. The moment you notice that your association makes you do any of the following, you have a serious problem to deal with:

  1. They lure you into doing what is evil.
  2. Slothful in their work or career
  3. Extravagant spenders and business bigots.
  4. Will hardly support you when you have a project at hand.
  5. They do not encourage you to become the best possible version of who you are meant to be.

No one should ever underestimate the power of good friends. It is a common thing among people to always associate with those of class and high reputable standards. However, one must not forget, that those who occupy those classy positions could not have been there, without the right connection or association

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to live life without knowing how to make good friends. Yes, it is easy to make friends but it takes work and commitment to make good friends. There is no other road to happiness except by good association.

Work Hard to Achieve Your Dreams

A lot of people do not realize this, but a man’s happiness is strictly tied to how things are moving in his life. If he is not living his dream life, he gets offended. As long as things are not working for him the way he has planned, the man will continue being sad and will likely not gain the required knowledge needed in achieving his dreams.

One thing people need to be aware of is that the secrets to success are numerous, with some being theoretical and others being practical. Hence, any man that truly wants to be successful, must seek out a theoretical and as well a practical guide for himself if he truly wants to be successful.

The most profitable thing any man can do for himself, is for him to have great dreams and work hard to achieve them. If he is not an a goal setter, his very course for existing has already been defeated!

Success is like a two face coin: it can be easy, it can be hard. Depending on the face life allocates to you. Therefore, inorder to succeed no matter the face of the coin, you must start following these steps as outlined. You must not take them lightly as they will be responsible for guiding you in dark times.

Often times, we are drawn away from our true calling and purpose in life, to things that are irrelevant to what we truly designed for. Inorder to achieve what we really want to get in life and be happy, we must learn to understand our true purpose and calling in life. There is no other way to actually actualizing destiny. What is there to fulfill, if you do not understand what you are trying to fulfill.

Finally, dreams do come true, and one must not forget this fact. The amount of dedication you put into actualizing your dreams in life, will determine the level of success you actually achieve. There is no magic wand that will be placed upon you to make you work hard. If you truly desire happiness and success you will work for it and not relent unless you have grasped it as your own.


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