Dear Ex: A Letter To Lost Romance

Dear Ex, I understand that you are happier with me gone and you really want me to be far from you. I cannot do any other thing but to obey your wish and your command. There was not a day that passed by ever since you gave me the “breakfast” that I have not stared at the empty plate thinking about you.

At times I forget what it’s like to be loved, what it’s like to be adored and admired. You were my number one fan, my first and last thought of the day were about you. If at all, I could change anything, it would be meeting you in this life. You were my love and my trust, but somehow you became my hate and my distrust.

It is true that people mature and grow to become a real version of themselves. However, your own growth was an offspring of materialistic and narcissism. You felt you were too good for me and you had better partners around you because of prestige and accolades and savoury bank accounts. It was unfair that you left me because I was working very hard to be somebody. Indeed, I had dreams and goals and I was working with my spirit, soul and body, to achieve these dreams and to make you a vital part of my success.

However, you have proven yourself to be unqualified of the love and commitment that I once gave to make sure your life was good. It shows one thing though, that you are just ordinary like everyone else. It was the love I had for you that made you special in my eyes. It was not the fact that you were leaving that hurt, but that you did not believe enough to grow and mature with a godly mindset and keeping godly relationships. You are more of a materialistic person and would rather exchange the gold you have for wood all because the process of the gold is tedious.

I wrote this so my ex would understand. I am not foolish for loving you. You were not foolish for leaving me. However, I am still forced to wonder why you came into my life. Did you just come to hurt me? I am asking this from the depth of my heart.

People say, that love is blind and because it is blind, many people fear it. I am not afraid of love because I believe it is the only thing that can truly make a man happy. I want to be happy and be satisfied with my accomplishments.

I choose to no longer dwell in the memories that we shared together. It may be difficult for me but you are gradually fading from my memory. Yes! Fading from my loving memory.

You are nothing but a relic of the past. A relic that has been taken, a relic that has lost its value in my life. You may not understand, but why scatter my plans only because you could not deal with your imaginary expectations of how a relationship should go.

I thought you would be there for me; I believed the best possible version of your personality. Well, it was not about the pleasure or the materialistic things we shared. I was deeply in love with you and was willing to respect you until the end. Yet, you claimed I was boring and was not your type, probably because you were having so much fun with others, you didn’t find time to reflect on the true meaning of life.

Life is about selfless service to God, yourself and humanity. It was never about getting all the physical endowments and unnecessary pleasures of life that do not guarantee happiness in life.

A lot of people believe that relationship is a self centered platform, where they can just decide to enter today and leave tomorrow. It is ok, if you leave a relationship on the basis of human wickedness and immorality.

However, when people leave relationships on the simple basis of materialistic inadequacy or biological lapses, one must be forced to ask the simple question: Did I create myself? Or do I now have power to change my own biological structure? In short, those who have all these physical parameters in their head, as a yardstick for relationship, are simply “self confident fools”.

Let us make things really clear for ourselves here: the world is now very chaotic in terms of dating and relationship because men and women, now believe that their opinion of life actually counts. Their opinion that makes others feel so unworthy of existence. Listen to me, anyone that has told you that based on your physical parameters, that you do not qualify to be in a relationship with them is nothing but a “self confident fool”.

When are we going to realize, that “love” is a force that drives men and women to make choices that are good and noble for humanity. If you believe, that your opinion of life in regards to how your partner should be physically, then I sincerely believe that you are controlled by lust and not love.

The most traumatic thing that has happened to most people today is the idea of physical qualifications. I am tempted to wonder, why someone would reject a well meaning person because they are not tall or because they are not as sexy as they should be. In the eyes of God, you that is doing the rejecting, must be held accountable for your words. How dare you, denounce God’s creation because of your lust? Has God Himself denied you life because of your own flaws? Think twice before you release words from your mouth, and check your heart if you are not committing a grave sin that your future self will regret.

Love and it’s definition as a quality that exists in our emotions is clearly over exaggerated. Some of us do not even understand, the concept of love clearly, that we have become products of unrealistic expectations and parameters in our relationships.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: love is simply the principle of right i.e doing and saying what is right. It should never be defined as a base feeling or emotion. Without a proper understanding of what love truly is, the world will continue in an unnecessary debate of irrelevant relationship issues because people allow their base understanding of life to rule their choices in relationship.

Dear Ex, I write to inform you, that your opinion of me is not what defines if I will be happy or sad in life. It was never about me not meeting up to your idealistic expectations. Let us face facts, you were already cheating on me from your heart. The pictures of different faces you posted and made loving statements on them. It was clear, that you were lost. Yes, lost in burning desires of materialism and drama.

This is not a prayer but a fact: a lot of people that are taking dangerous risks, breaking people’s heart here and there will be the most bitter, hurt and pained individuals in years to come. Yes, I understand this because, life will never allow you to go scott free. You must take the pill that you once gave to others. There is no other revenge but the one Life dolls out specially for you.

Also, my ex is now my enemy and I feel it should remain like that. I hate it when people who hurt me still have the freedom to look at me in the face and still speak as though they were not undisciplined in what they did. How can you be so irresponsible and expect friendship to continue? It was not like I cheated on you or did something wrong. You were just consumed by your lust for another and you claim we should still be friends. Such friendship is built on false and pretentious expectations.

I do not know about others but I am someone that takes relationship as “not a do or die affair” but as a crucial part of my existence. The kind of person you choose to be with or even be friends with, shows how weak or strong your personality really is. In short, I do not appreciate “double minded” individuals i.e those who cannot commit to a cause without expecting certain elements of comfort, when they have not contributed even a little to the cause and achievement.

Let us face facts again: people tolerate nonsense each day because a lot of us do not have the time, neither the energy to snap because of certain decisions made by our exes. We just let things slide and people now believe it is ok. Even when we have invested in the relationship. It is clear, that people are no longer taught right. Whatever, you do in life, always remember that relationship is a place for mutual enjoyment. You cannot have fun with someone else’s heart and have the audacity to talk as though it was your right. You do not deserve people around you if you are not someone that can commit specifically to a cause.

I personally do not have respect for people who just sit-down and demean the love others have for them. It is a clear “red flag” and such persons should not be taken seriously at all. This is because, they believe in their foolish minds, that people are there just to please them and their desires. Well, I refuse to be in any form of relationship, with such person.

Finally, I hope you understand, that no matter what happens, a man or woman who does not appreciate nor value you does not deserve a second chance at all. Those who cheat and those who disrespect their partners are one and the same. If your partner disrespects you in any of the following ways, I believe you should reconsider other options because, there is no way, a partner that loves you genuinely will do them.

  1. Telling you demeaning things consecutively
  2. Making you waste time and resources on irrelevant things
  3. Not acknowledging their faults and making amends but rather they claim right despite them being wrong
  4. Trying to manipulate you by denying you things that make you happy and making it seem like you are bad for desiring those things.

The world we live in today, revolves around moral values as the only things that are required to make the world a better place.

Relationship is the only thing that has guaranteed human survival, evolution and invention. It makes no sense however, for people to ridicule the importance of relationship in our society. We should learn to understand that out relationships qualify us for a lot of things including the happiness of the next generation.

Dear Ex, I understand that you are living your life the way you want and you believe you will be happier. I wish you all the best in all your endeavors. You were a reason for my smiles and my happiness. Thank God you went your way; we were never destined to be together.

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