Benefits Of A Good And Safe Relationship

We are often confused about what being in a good and safe relationship signifies. Well, many people are still in the maze of extreme confusion regarding what they really want in a relationship.

A safe and healthy relationship carry’s the love and other parameters needed to ensure the overall well being of those involved.

Bottom line is, you cannot have a good and healthy relationship without experiencing gladness in your heart. Even if you are going through difficulties, you will eventually naturally be able to bear under the harsh conditions!

Just understand that these benefits are without doubt, everlasting and sure benefits and one should learn to strive for a good and healthy relationship and not just what appeases the base thoughts and emotions!

  1. What is a Good and Safe Relationship?
  2. What is Love?
  3. Love is Nothing Without Respect
  4. What are the Benefits of a Good and Safe Relationship?

1. What is a Good and Safe Relationship?

A good and safe relationship is beyond anything you might have heard regarding a relationship being fun, financially stable or sexually satisfying.

One may tend to also consider the materialistic or pleasurable abundance as a criteria for a good relationship. Indeed, I tell you that it is non of these!

By proper definition, a good relationship carries all the core values of love, respect and family as the driving force of the relationship!

2. What is Love?

Look, love as we know is not an emotional quality but rather it is a quality of reality!

We need to come to terms with these proper definitions of love. Yes, love goes beyond what we feel but rather it is a quantity that is measured by action!

Love is never a product of what we feel, it is a product of our innate desires to be loved and then we in return, show or give the love also.

We should understand that if at all we want to love, we must first understand that we must be loved first either by our individualistic selves or by an external agency,before we can give love also!

Truth be told, no human being was able to love from the seed level! When you were born, you were helpless, yes you were totally helpless.

It is the natural law of life, that all things big or small must first be loved before they can love. If that phenomenon in existence is not loved, there is no way it can give love in return! Yes, it cannot give love!

So, we understand that love is not a factor of materialism, money or any physical derivative. Indeed, it is the element in the supernatural that seeks recognition, adoration, family and a vast range of positive parameters that cannot be mentioned here.

Now, that same element was deposited in man and without doubt it is what clearly defines that we are made in the image and likeness of God! I repeat it again and again, it is this same element of the supernatural in God and in us, that clearly defines our resemblance to Him!

This is why we must do better and see people as God sees them. If not, we will be contributing to the pain and problem that we face on a daily basis!

3. Love is Nothing Without Respect

Love on its own cannot function without a quality that goes side by side with it!

God owns this whole concept of Love!

The fact that our human society continues to be debase and wicked, despite the professing of love is a simple clear fact that we do not understand it, or we are getting the whole thing wrong.

We all know what respect is and if we truly love someone, we would not hurt those we claim we love!

Love is reciprocated in obedience in right doing. It is not about saying I love you but the actions are different.

We all know that respect is one thing that many relationships lack today. It is unhealthy because people profess love but lack respect. It is not safe because people choose emotions over respect!

We stay with people that have one sided love and we believe the relationship is safe and good because they call us or text us.

Respect is the hallmark of every relationship! Trust me, each and everyone of us can and should have relationships founded on love, with respect as the chief cornerstone!

4. What Are The Benefits of A Good And Safe Relationship

I. Peace of Mind

One of the fruits of love and respect is that it brings peace in a relationship.

Inorder for me to properly help you understand this, I want to point out to you, that any relationship without the concept of peace as the advertisement is nothing but foolishness on its own!

One of the significance of peace is that there is growth and development. Yes, every good relationship must grow and develop. This is not possible without peace dwelling as a basic component in the relationship!

We have many people who are just so pleased with turmoil in their relationships.

Listen to me, as a woman or man, there is no need to always look for ways to cause silly and dirty problems!

One thing I detest so much is a man or woman that feels having issues should be a regular occurrence in a relationship. This is just wrong! Stop inflicting conflict in your relationship! It is very stupid and immature!

I am making this point from a very serious point of view! There are people that cannot handle emotional stress and putting them in a condition where you literally attempt to change their emotional peaceful state to a war zone, makes them fall for different things that are of no benefit to the relationship!

Literally, I will advice anyone that has a partner that literally just likes the idea of trouble and chaos in a relationship to either advice them to stop the deadly habit, or quit the relationship.

II. Pure Friendship

A good and safe relationship, will always have that aura of genuine friendship!

I know that the quality of respect should always be there. However, it does no harm at all but rather a great benefit when you eventually become genuine friends with your partner. Let me guess, if you are a genuine friend, you would not do anything to hurt them!

Yes, I am saying it to your face! If you do not have the kind of relationship where you and your partner can actually grow and become genuine friends, it simply means, the foundation of your relationship is faulty!

Who dates a person that cannot be a trustworthy friend? I mean, modern people have just destroyed the concept of relationship.

Look, the world does not revolve around a relationship system that does not appreciate the values of friendship. Even if you do have a relationship with someone prestigious, it makes no sense if all you do is share bed times, and handling duties! There has to be that icing on the cake, which truly explains why you are in a relationship with your partner!

III. Transparency

Many people do not understand how important this quality is in a relationship.

I know for sure, that humans can never be 100 percent transparent. This is because we all still bear the concept of shame in our minds, it does not matter whether we try to hide it or not!

Transparency is the key to trust. Yes, without transparency, most of our relationships would not even get passed the simple basic tests of life, not because wrong things were actually done but because transparency is not in place!

Look, how this works is this: whatever thing, regarding the relationship that needs to be unveiled should be unveiled!

Many people have the very bad habit of hiding almost everything from their partner. Look, in very serious relationships, there has to be 100 percent transparency. Without which, the relationship will not be good and safe!

This is because if at all, it is discovered that the level of transparency in the relationship has not been standard, it can cause an emotional rift, which can result in physical catastrophe!

Transparency is what relationships should feed on! It is like the fuel that enables the relationship to function. Without it, the relationship loses the ability to move forward!

Some relationships feed on the love factor, which is not totally bad but it is only an ignorant man or woman that will accept love to be what feeds a relationship!

Relationship is like a vehicle, with various parts including love which enables it to function effectively!

Love is like the outward design and shape of the vehicle. Yes, you choose and pay for the kind of vehicle you want.

However, Respect is the main Engine of the vehicle. Also, transparency is the fuel and trust is the lubricant!

Nevertheless, make your vehicle choice not according to physical looks alone, but durability, power and easy maintenance.

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